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Harrisburg Pennsylvania Area
If you live in the Harrisburg Pennsylvania area, or reasonably close we can provide you with an electrician to do your work. Just contact us and we will find the appropriate person to give you an estimate on the work you need to have done.
For the rest of the country.
For those of you living in other areas of the country you can use the two trusted resources below to locate a contractor in your area to do the work.
Disclaimer: You understand that you are personally responsible for your own wiring,
and that you're wiring should conform to the National Electrical code. The information provided is general installation advice. We make no claims about the completeness or the accuracy of the information as it may apply to an infinite amount of field conditions. It is the responsibility of the person or persons using this information to check with all concerned parties, owners and local authorities, etc. before doing an installation. Users of this information agree to hold or any of its agents harmless form liabilities of any kind relating to the use of this information. You also agree to the terms set forth in our terms and conditions.
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