Doing it yourself - Use the National Electrical Code Handbook
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If you’re the one that's going to do the wiring it is important that the work is done correctly for the safety of you and your family. The National Electrical Code Handbook (NFPA 70) provides you with the most complete and up to date code information available. Safe, code-compliant installations are made simple with an in-depth understanding of the National Electrical Code. Text alongside expert commentary from code specialists, offering insight into code rationale, explanations of new and revised rules, and practical, hands-on advice on how to apply the code.
This valuable resource is a must buy for anyone doing electrical work in any capacity; it will insure you have the knowledge needed to feel confident that your work will be safe, efficient, and code-compliant. This one-of-a-kind reference - containing the most widely accepted and most frequently used criteria for electrical installations in the U.S.
New and Used Copies Available
- Author: National Fire Protection Association
- Publisher: Cengage Delmar Learning
- Pub. Date: September 24, 2010
- Edition Number: 1
- Price Varies
- Rating: 5 of 5 Lightning Bolts -    
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Disclaimer: You understand that you are personally responsible for your own wiring,
and that you're wiring should conform to the National Electrical code. The information provided is general installation advice. We make no claims about the completeness or the accuracy of the information as it may apply to an infinite amount of field conditions. It is the responsibility of the person or persons using this information to check with all concerned parties, owners and local authorities, etc. before doing an installation. Users of this information agree to hold or any of its agents harmless form liabilities of any kind relating to the use of this information. You also agree to the terms set forth in our terms and conditions.
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