Residential Remodeling and Repair Professional Reference
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This is a great book for the do it yourselfer, it not only covers some wiring aspects but many other aspects of do it yourself home improvement.

DEWALT Residential Remodeling and Repair Professional Reference
The DEWALT Residential Remodeling & Repair Professional Reference contains the essential facts and figures for almost every aspect of residential construction and residential remodeling available. In it you will find valuable information on door framing and finishing, paint and caulking applications, walls and finishing, roofing and siding, telephone and cable TV wiring, fastener weights and strengths, rope strength, saw blades, and much, much more. Supportive wiring diagrams, plumbing diagrams, and concrete and masonry diagrams provide the added clarity readers need to succeed both at home and on the job.
New and Used Copies Available
- Author: Paul Rosenberg
- Publisher: Pal Publications, Incorporated
- Pub. Date: July 2006
- Edition Number: 1
- Price Varies
- Rating: 4 of 5 Lightning Bolts -   
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and that you're wiring should conform to the National Electrical code. The information provided is general installation advice. We make no claims about the completeness or the accuracy of the information as it may apply to an infinite amount of field conditions. It is the responsibility of the person or persons using this information to check with all concerned parties, owners and local authorities, etc. before doing an installation. Users of this information agree to hold or any of its agents harmless form liabilities of any kind relating to the use of this information. You also agree to the terms set forth in our terms and conditions.
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